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Lead Generation for Lawyers: Find Clients with Local Services Ads

Lead Generation for Lawyers: Find Clients with Local Services Ads

You’ve probably already guessed it, but let’s talk about law firm lead generation. Potential clients are increasingly turning to online searches to find legal services. In fact, over 1/3 of them start their search online. The question is, with so many law firms competing for attention, how can you ensure your practice stands out from the competition?

What if you could increase your chances of being featured at the top of Google? Google Local Services Ads are specifically designed to connect attorneys with local residents actively searching for legal services in their area.

Be There When Clients Need You Most

Think about the local resident who is facing a legal issue and they don’t know where to turn. They open Google and type in a search for a lawyer specializing in their specific need. With Google Local Services Ads, your firm can appear at the top of their search results, which puts you in a prime position to capture that valuable lead.

Gone are the days of expensive, generic advertising campaigns. Local Services Ads allow you to target your ideal client base by specifying:

Plus, you set a fixed monthly budget and only pay when a potential client clicks to contact you through your ad. This means you get the most out of your marketing dollars. ROAS anyone?

Local Services Ads go beyond simply getting your name out there. By displaying badges like “Google Screened,” you can showcase your legitimacy and build trust with potential clients who may be unfamiliar with your practice.

Local Services Ads also allow you to create a detailed profile page about your firm, highlighting:

By providing this valuable information, you can effectively showcase your firm’s expertise and convert searches into new leads.

People appreciate convenience. Local Services Ads help achieve this by offering potential clients multiple ways to connect with your law firm directly through your ad. This makes it easier than ever for them to reach you:

Source: Google
  • Click to Call: A simple tap or click puts them in direct contact with your firm through a phone call.
  • Message Request: For those who prefer text-based communication, potential clients can send a message directly through your ad. (Currently available in the US only).
  • Online Booking: If your firm utilizes a booking partner integrated with Google Local Services Ads, potential clients can schedule a consultation or appointment directly through your ad – streamlining the process and saving them valuable time.

This multi-channel approach caters to different client preferences and ensures you’re reachable through the methods that best suit their needs.

Important Note: Responding to messages and calls promptly is crucial. Google takes your responsiveness into account when ranking your ads. So, ensure you have a system in place to quickly acknowledge and follow up on all inquiries, maximizing your chances of converting those leads into satisfied clients.

While Local Services Ads provide a convenient way for potential clients to reach you, integrating call tracking can take your lead management and marketing efforts to the next level.

The phone number displayed in your Local Services Ads can be linked to your call tracking service. This ensures all calls generated through your ad are captured and recorded for analysis. Here are some of the benefits:

Unsure how to implement call tracking? Let cyberlicious® be your guide! Our call tracking system paired with our expertise and marketing strategies can help you unlock valuable insights, optimize your campaigns, and convert more leads into clients.

More Clients & More Cases with cyberlicious® At Your Side

Attract more clients and grow your practice. Google Local Services Ads connect you directly with potential clients in your area who are ready for your legal help. If you aren’t already, here are a few reasons you may want to consider this platform:

Ready to tailor a Local Services Ads campaign to your specific goals and budget? Our team will help you set up and manage your campaign while providing valuable insights to optimize your results. Schedule a call today and discover how cyberlicious® can sweeten your lead generation strategy.

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