Google is streamlining eCommerce and Retail advertising. Performance Max Campaigns are here and make it easier than ever to deliver ads to potential customers.
Law Firm Marketing Sweeter than Justice
Grow your practice with expert law firm marketing strategies! From SEO tips to compliance updates, our law firm marketing blogs provide everything you need to build your online presence and reach new clients. Stay informed and focus on your practice while we guide you through the latest marketing trends.
Google Marketing Live 2022 Starts Today!
Google to announce new products and share the latest trends and insights. Learn how to get your business ready to drive results today and build resilience for tomorrow.
Google Announces Increase in Ad Credits for New Accounts
Beginning in February 2022, Google will now offer $500 in Ads credit for new client accounts.
ALERT: COVID-19 Relaxation of Law Firm Advertising Compliance Expiring Today
The Florida Bar’s relaxation of advertising compliance regulations due to COVID-19 is expiring. All advertisements set to run after May 29th must be submitted for review. [Read More…]