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Invest in PPC Management Before Investing in PPC

Professional PPC Management

US marketing professionals agree that PPC delivers incredible results, but management is essential to running successful pay-per-click campaigns.

PPC Outperforms Expectations (Survey)

While Bill Gates’ 1996 notion that “content is king” holds true now more than ever before, perhaps PPC is queen of marketing royalty.

After all, the value of pay-per-click advertisements is on the rise in 2015, according to a survey featured in eMarketer in October. PPC – which includes shopping, search, and display advertising – has delivered such strong revenue that most companies are increasing spending in that category.

The marketing poll revealed that the vast majority of marketing executives were pleased with their 2015 PPC results. Almost four out of every five (78%) respondents called the effectiveness of their PPC campaigns “really good,” while three in five (60%) said that their efforts were faring better than they did last year.

When asked for the most critical components of pay-per-click (with multiple responses allowed), the top five categories cited by marketers were:

  1. Text – 90%
  2. Remarketing – 80%
  3. Mobile – 71%
  4. Display network – 54%
  5. Shopping – 48%.

Since content marketing through social media posts and blog-building directly on the website have become so central, PPC hasn’t been getting as much attention. “Like email, PPC ads—especially paid search in the form of text ads—can seem unsexy,” explains eMarketer, “but [they] still deliver results for marketers and rank consistently high among spending priorities.”

In fact, almost three out of four marketing leaders said that they would be spending more on AdWords throughout the next year, while three in five said that they would be investing additional marketing dollars in Bing paid search.

Results Consistent with Other Polls

These October findings aren’t isolated. More than seven in ten (72%) marketers agreed that PPC was one of the two most powerful revenue generators in an April 2015 survey. Furthermore, when B2C marketing pros were asked in November 2014 what digital channels offered the best ROI, over 50% said paid search.

Quick Facts about PPC

What is it that makes pay-per-click so special?

  1. It is the fastest way to rank on Google and Bing.
  2. It allows you to create a more sophisticated remarketing strategy via tracking – remarketing to visitors based on actions they take on your website via Google Analytics (Remarketing Audiences) and AdWords (Remarketing Lists based on Google Analytics data).
  3. The time is now for PPC. Why? The organic space is shrinking. “Google’s local pack now has fewer businesses listed,” reported Search Engine Land in August. “The 7-pack is now the 3-pack.” A keen, finely tuned search advertising plan is increasingly necessary to compete.

Importance of PPC Management

As you can see, the business world’s confidence in PPC is incredibly compelling. If you want your campaigns to be effective, though, it’s crucial to work with a certified PPC specialist.

Using PPC Management through Cyberlicious®, one company saved nearly 60% in ad revenue by optimizing their Google Ads account.

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